Thursday, December 5, 2013

The First Step in Getting Rid of Anxiety

Lets begin this journey!
You must first understand that the only person that cannot be helped is the person who does not want to be helped. You are not one of those people because you actually had the courage to understand that there is a problem and then tried to find a solution. I know this because you are reading this blog. You are in fact brave for trying. As long as you have hope everything will be fine.

Another thing I want to mention before I get started is that a lot of the information I am going to give to you is from a book titled, "Hope and Help for Your Nerves," by Claire Weekes. I am not trying to push anyone to buy this book. I just want to make sure I give credit where credit is due. I don't want to take someone's work and call it my own. I have learned from this book and others which I hope to incorporate into this blog to help others.

The first step in recovering is understanding anxiety. The unknown is always a little scary. That is why the first day of school, college, work or anything is always a little scary. You don't know what to expect because you have no previous knowledge, therefore, you feel a bit scared and that is fine.
Therefore, the first step in recovering from anxiety is understanding what it is. I am not saying that you should try to dig up the past to try to find out why you are dealing with anxiety at the present moment. What I am trying to say is to understand anxiety from a medical perceptive. Go on to Google and see all the symptoms people experience when they are anxious such as, not being able to breathe properly, fast heart beat, feeling lightheaded and so on and so forth. Then understand that, that is a normal part of anxiety. There is nothing wrong with you and no damage is being done to your body! Claire Weekes, explains in her book that the reason why our nerves are acting so crazy and we are experiencing these symptoms are because our nerves are sensitized from all the stress we have put them through. They are going to behave like this for a while and you must let them without being afraid.  She explains, that when you get afraid you add more stress to your body, which then becomes more sensitized and these symptoms are felt even more strongly. However, if when these symptoms came, you sat back and relaxed and told your self that "this is just my body trying to react to stress" then the nerves will stop acting up.

By stressing out about these symptoms you are adding more stress into an already stressed body. You keep on adding more stress, yet, keep wondering why you are not getting better. I have done the same thing. But as soon as you understand that these symptoms are not damaging and just sensations then you will stop being afraid of them. When they come you will accept them and by not adding more stress and fear they will gradually go away.

However, in order for these symptoms to stop coming, your body must be desensitized and that will take some time. Even after you have conquered your fear you will feel these symptoms for a little bit longer and that is natural. It takes time for anything to heal. But you must give yourself time and let the healing process do its job. I know being patient is not the thing you want to hear, which even this book acknowledges, therefore, just let time pass as Claire Weekes says. The more time you let go by the better you will feel. However, never lose hope and never let yourself feel fearful of the symptoms.
I hope this passage has helped you. That's all for this post. In the next post I will discuss other aspects of anxiety as well as a method that worked amazingly for me. Actually, the only method I needed to get better.

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