Sunday, December 8, 2013

Positive Attitude

I want to talk you about positive attitude in this blog because I think this is an essential part of life for anyone, not just someone who has anxiety. It is something that everyone should have.

A positive attitude is so important in life. I know when you have anxiety it is very hard to be positive and it seems as if it is an impossible task to complete. But in reality it is so important to be positive and to think positive because positivity is what makes things good or bad.

I know it is very hard to think positive when you have anxiety. I for one know that. I am on your side. I know exactly how it all feels. Before I had anxiety I was a very positive person. I had a very positive attitude about anything. I always had hope for myself and hope to give. When anyone came to me with their problem I would give them hope. The only reason I able to give myself credit for being positive in the past is because I at one point noticed how negative I had started to think because of my anxiety.

I remember very clearly that I would sit and think to myself that I really miss the old me. The one that was happier and more positive. I thought to myself, "nothing was ever too hard for me. I was so positive and look at me now suffering and in my miserable state." That is when I realized that anxiety had NOT taken away who I was. I had made myself negative and taken away the part of me that I loved.

I realized that I always dealt with problems before I had anxiety, I just happened to have a positive attitude then. Everything was so easy because I wasn't always thinking about "how miserable I was," instead I was thinking about how amazing everything in life was. Our perspective is everything. If you learn how to change your perspective I am sure you will be a lot happier. If you're constantly reminding yourself of how miserable and sad you are then how can you expect yourself to happy? You keep reinforcing this idea that nothing is going right than how will you be able to appreciate everything that is falling in to place just perfectly.

You have to let go of the negative and accept the positive because a lot of us are so sad with our anxiety because we are constantly being negative and finding faults. It's not all or nothing. Enjoy the small pleasures of life. I can guarantee you that your life before anxiety had its up and downs, but sure it wasn't "as horrible as anxiety" because you didn't look at it so negatively.

You cannot expect to be happy if you keep on bringing yourself down. So what I would like for you to do is notice every time you have a negative thought and try to think of it in a positive way. It will seem like a chore in the beginning, but with time it will become the way you think. It will become a habit that will shield from all the problems that are yet to come in life because a positive attitude can make a HUGE difference. 

An example:

Negative: Great, I am stuck in traffic! It's going to take forever for me to go home now.
Positive: There's traffic. Well that means I get to spend time with myself and enjoy my music.

The list can go on and on. But I am only going to write one example because I want you guys to come up with examples that are suited for your life instead of covering everything and leaving little for your imagination to do.

I just want you guys to know that having a positive attitude is important for everyone. When your anxious and you're going through a tough time in your life it is hard to think positive, but it is not impossible. You can start with little things and gradually become more and more positive. For example, you can get up and admire the weather even it is raining outside instead of thinking about something negative. It will make a huge difference. Trust me on this one.

Well I am going to end this blog here because I don't think I can say anything other than the fact the positivity is an essential part of life. Being positive is very important. I hope this blog has given you a reason to be more positive. I am sure positivity will bring great changes into your life. Till next time!

(The next blog will talk about agoraphobia, the fear of going to certain placed or leaving your house because you're scared of anxiety. I hope you guys will stay tuned.)

-Abigail Monroe 

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